Tuesday, October 26 & Wednesday, October 27, 2021
The 8th Annual ETF Conference
Canada’s Premier Educational Forum for Advisors on Exchange Traded Funds
CE Credits
IIROC & CFP CE Credits will be available for attending Financial Advisors and Brokers
Delegate Testimonials
‘Excellent speakers providing valuable insights on ETFs.’ Rick Giuliani, CFP, The Bay West Group
‘Great presenters and short sessions full of information which kept it moving.’ Michael Stanley, Sterling Mutuals
‘Last week’s ETF Conference was excellent. Absolutely BRILLIANT speakers. Thank you – well organized and thoughtfully executed.’ Jody Amblard, CFA, IG Wealth Management
‘The recent ETF conference I attended was excellent. Overall, a lot of useful information.’ Rob Innes, Innes Group / Industrial Alliance Securities
To become a speaker at one of Mindpath’s conferences or to utilize one of our events as a new business development vehicle through sponsorship, please contact Don Bridgman , CEO (905) 379-0232. To send Don an email, click here.
Welcome to Mindpath!
A Leading Educational Conference Company for the Financial Services Industry
Mindpath is an educational conference company for the Financial Services sector and run by financial industry professionals. The principals of Mindpath bring over fifty years experience in financial services to the company at the advisory level, in institutional investments and in financial industry professional development and education. Our goal is to facilitate the learning process in thought-provoking ways by utilizing ‘outside-the-box’ thinking and ‘non-traditional’ information delivery methods.
Mindpath conferences deliver timely, relevant and practical information to senior managers in both the financial services industry (including financial advisors, planners & investment advisors) and the institutional investment community (including plan sponsors, pension fund managers, insurance industry investment managers and pension fund consultants).
Through its conferences and forums, Mindpath strives to educate at multiple levels of learning and understanding. Mindpath’s overriding objective is to assist its attendees to carry out their job-functions more effectively by delivering the latest industry information and developments in stimulating, informative and unique ways.
Learn more about what we do
Pat Dunwoody, Executive Director, Canadian ETF Association
speaks at the 2nd Annual ETF Conference on May 6, 2015
at the Mississauga Convention Centre